Human Resources


Our people are our strength and our core competency. We work continuously towards developing and upgrading their job related, technical and management skills. Individuals are recruited after thorough background investigation and rigorous interviews. We ensure every hired individuals beliefs and practices match with those of the organization.

Training and Development

Every employee follows a detailed training schedule which includes technical and non technical. Once an individual joins a particular department he receives all information and training before given independent tasks.

  • Non technical trainings would include development of communication skills, importance and meaning of customer satisfaction, attitude at work, team development, working with peers and other related topics.
  • Technical trainings would include product and process knowledge, quality assurance and testing, fire fighting and safety, Packing and material handling, administrative and data management etc.

The entire labor workforce also goes through a training program before working on a machine. They are divided into teams and mock drills are conducted to ensure complete understanding of the product, process and machine. Cross functional training and job rotation is done regularly.

All of us work together with the aim of providing the best quality products and meeting 100% customer satisfaction. Our team has consistently been achieving this and will continue to do so.